The Mandate

The Mandate

The Secret Place Chapel International, also known as House of Excellence is not just another church called to raise membership, but a divine commission with a mandate to UNVEILING THE MYSTRIES OF LIVING THE ABUNDANT LIFE THROUGH THE PREACHING AND TEACHING OF THE UNCOMPROMISING WORD OF GOD.

On Sunday, June 28, 2015, Pastor Prince Ejindu finally surrendered and embraced the call into full time ministry.

Understanding and knowing that it is only in the Secret Place mysteries are unveiled. The mysteries of Living the Abundant Life.

He also believes and is fully convicted that sincerity is the hallmark of excellence”. Hence our other name: “House of Excellence”.

God gave him two distinguishing pillars for the church: The Pillar of Prayer and the Pillar of the word (Acts 6:4).

Fully armed with this calling Pastor Prince has taking it upon himself to raise God and the body of Christ an end time army of Intercessors that will give their all till God has made the whole world a praise in the earth – Hallelujah!

Pastor Prince also strongly believes that The Secret Place Chapel shall be the place upon where the uncompromising, unadulterated and undiluted word of God shall be preached with clarity, so that believers will live the Abundant Life that Jesus came to give them.

He is happily married to his lovely wife Pastor Amy Ejindu who also Serves with him to fulfil the mandate of his calling and they are blessed with amazing children.